1. Who are we?

We are Trendstream Limited (or you can call us GWI).

With this notice we will tell you how we (and other companies in our group, in the United States of America, in Europe and in Singapore) use your personal data (your information). 


2. What’s Personal Data?

Anything that can be used to recognize you is your personal data. You might already know this but it could be things like your name or your age, but it’s also things like the answers you give us in our questionnaire.

The only personal data we have about you is: 

  • all your survey answers (that ask you about the sort of things you are or aren’t interested in, the products you like or dislike);
  • a special identification number; and 
  • technical information from your computer or device you use to complete the survey. 

Some survey questions may ask about "special categories" of personal data (such as your ethnicity). These questions are always optional and we will only process this type of data if you agree. 

But if you want to understand more, you can ask an adult to help you read the full Survey Privacy Policy.


3. Why do you need my personal data?

We need your personal data to understand more about what children like you  like or don’t like. Your favourite  products and the ones you don’t like to use at all.



4. How do you use my personal data?

We always try to keep your personal data safe. 

GWI collects and uses your personal data (which is your questionnaire answers and a special identification number) to understand more about the sort of things you are or aren’t interested in, the products you like or dislike. 

We then put your responses together with responses from other children to form our products. 

We can tell which are your answers by using the special identification number we use. We use this to see what children like you like and don’t like but we don’t tell anyone else who you are. 

We only use this information when you have agreed or your and your parent / legal guardian has agreed or we have thought about it and we think it is fair on you and us.


5. Who else can see or use my personal data?

When we collect your personal data we have to send it to our other GWI companies around the world and companies who help us with our services (in Europe, the United States of America and Singapore).  When your personal data is shared with these other companies, they must keep it safe and only use it in a way that we tell them to.

We may need to share your personal data with your responsible adult if they are helping you complete the questionnaire.  

We don’t send it to anyone else though. 


6. Can I do anything about my personal data?


Yes! You and your responsible adult (your parents or your legal guardians) can ask us:

  • To see what personal data we have.
  • To change any personal data you think is wrong.
  • To delete your personal data.
  • To only use your personal data in certain ways.
  • Not to use your personal data.

We also need to tell you how we use your personal data.

If you have any worries about how we have used your personal data, you can speak to us or speak to the supervisory authority in the UK, the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) https://ico.org.uk/


7. Will you keep my data forever?

No. We will only keep your personal data until we need it. After that we will delete it. 


8. How can I speak to you?

If you want to ask us any questions or ask us anything about your rights, you or your responsible adult can get in touch with us at legal@gwi.com.