Digital & Social Trends, Charts, Consumer Data & Statistics - GWI Blog

Why the UK is Getting Pre-Paid Netflix Cards - GWI

Written by Felim McGrath | Jun 30, 2015 11:00:00 PM

The expansion of pre-paid Netflix Cards into the UK shows just how much the platform understands its current, and potential, audience.

Already, a quarter of internet users aged 16-64 in the UK are Netflixers. But this figure rockets to 44% among 16-24 year olds, precisely those users who are under the most financial pressure. Although some might be accessing Netflix using their parents’ accounts, a gift-voucher-esque Netflix Card provides an opportunity for these younger users to start their own account without the need to commit to a subscription. And the potential for marketing these cards as presents for this content-hungry demographic is obvious.

Trends by income reveal a similar story. With the most affluent internet users currently being the most likely to be on Netflix, these new cards might well help to convince lower income users to commit to the platform.

To find out more about Netflix, download our Netflix in Numbers infographic.