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Campaign of the Month: Snickers - You’re not you when you’re hungry

Written by Lorna Keane | Mar 27, 2018 11:00:00 PM

“You’re not you when you’re hungry” is a campaign that needs no introduction. And this year, Snickers have revived the infamous spot with a fresh new take.

Launched in 2010 in a bid to grow the brand globally through word-of-mouth advocacy, it has won awards at every major gathering, including Cannes Lions, The One Show, D&AD and the Emmys.

Increasing global sales by 15.9% in its first year alone, the insight-fuelled campaign shaped an original identity that proved the 80-year-old brand was still relevant among its target consumers.

8 years on, its fame is still apparent. The latest iteration by BBDO New York proves a great campaign doesn’t need to get old. Here’s why we chose it as our March campaign of the month.


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The Insight

A simple insight into the male psyche fuelled the original campaign:

There’s a universal code of conduct by which men abide to maintain their position in the male pack.

Unveiled through qualitative research into the brand’s target audiences, not only was this insight consistent across regions, it could be distilled into a broader universal truth:

“When you’re hungry, you’re just not yourself. And, when you’re not yourself, it has a real impact on your ability to remain part of the pack.”

With two new 30-second spots promoting their peanut butter and almond varieties, Snickers again leveraged this famous insight to put the brand at the forefront of people’s minds as the ultimate hunger-quencher.

The Message

Tapping into the same universal truth that earned the brand international fame, the new ads hover around two taglines: “You overreact when you’re hungry,” and “Hunger leads to uncomfortable situations”.

Sticking close to the original, the campaigns subtly inject new flavours of humor and originality that cleverly reflect the newly added varietes.

Keeping it consistent in style, one message prevails: Snickers is the go-to solution for fast-acting hunger relief. Reach for one to keep your dignity, your pride (and ultimately yourself) in tact.

It’s the same familiar tone, with a fresh new approach.

Why it Worked

Snickers is a brand that knows the true value of consumer insight.

Proving just how impactful a single insight into your audience can be once leveraged in the right way, the ongoing campaign is not only setting global standards, it’s consistently hitting home.

Snickers lives and breathes its authentic, consumer-centric brand message, continuously portraying it in new and unique ways.

As James Miller, Global Head of Strategy for Mars at BBDO explains: “A relentless focus on effectiveness from the outset right up to today has enabled ‘You’re not you when you’re hungry’ to become one of the world’s best loved and most celebrated campaigns.”